Recently, I had the need to send selected records of Form datasource that is a Temp table.
The initial searches led me to the MultiSelectionHelper class with code something like this in my class:
MultiSelectionHelper helper = MultiSelectionHelper::construct();helper.parmDataSource(_args.record().dataSource());myTempTable = helper.getFirst();while (myTempTable.RecId != 0){... [LOGIC] ...myTempTable = helper.getNext();}
This did NOT work at all. I tried every type of table; Temp, InMemory, Regular. I could not get MultiSelectionHelper to work.
So, I ended up using FormDataSource:
FormDataSource fds;fds = _args.record().dataSource();myTempTable = fds.getFirst(true);while (myTempTable.RecId != 0){... [LOGIC] ...myTempTable = fds.getNext();}
Very similar code. Just be sure to put 'true' in your call to 'getFirst' on the FDS object as that will ONLY retrieve marked / selected records.