Friday, October 4, 2019

Power APPS AX 2012 - New Entity Get Data With Exisiting Connection

Welcome to my very first Power APPS post!!!
My employer has decided to use Power APPS to replace our current T&E in Enterprise Portal.
More posts will come on how I have designed this.

On to the issue at hand...
When creating a new entity I am forced to create a new SQL connection everytime, even though I have an existing SQL connection.
I have an On-premise data gateway and a SQL connection setup:

The 3rd one in the list is a connection created from a new entity.  The blocked out portions of each SQL Server connection are the same name of the SQL Server. 
I couldn't figure out why I couldn't select my existing connection
Here is what I see when getting data for a new entity:

I can successfully select my On-premise gateway, however, no connections show under the Connection combo box.
As I was about to post this on the Power APPS forum I had a small epiphany... By typing in the Server and Database first, it will automatically select my existing connection:

As you can see, we can now use our existing connection and not be forced to create a new one.