Tuesday, October 6, 2020

AX 2012 EP - 'The referenced file '/_layouts/ep/EPSecurityControlascx' is not allowed on this page'

 This morning I woke up to the following error in Enterprise Portal:

We tried 'IISRESTART' and full restarts of our EP and AX servers.

I then looked at the web.config file and found that it had been modified last night. I also found the some Sharepoint security updates had come through as well.  I knew the web.config was the issue but had no way of knowing what it was.

After posting on the AX forum, a great user gave me the solution.


In the <SafeMode><PageParserPaths> HERE </PageParserPaths></SafeMode> you need to put:

<PageParserPath VirtualPath="/*" CompilationMode="Always" AllowServerSideScript="true" AllowUnsafeControls="true" IncludeSubFolders="true"></PageParserPath>

Once I put that in there, it worked perfectly!  No need to uninstall the updates. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

When trying to open a view I get 'You are not authorized to access table ‘My View’ (MyView). Contact your system administrator.'

 I was recently trying to open a view and received the following error:

You are not authorized to access table ‘Payments remaining amounts’ (VRFVendPaymentsNotSettled). Contact your system administrator.

Other posts on this topic suggested that you need 'Fields' on the view to open it.  In my case I had fields. This turned out to be a simple fix.  On the view properties, in AX, change 'Visible' to 'Yes' from 'No'.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

AX 2012 R2 - OANDA Exchange Rate Provider API V2

Recently, I have been tasked with getting exchange rates from an online service.  I came across a white paper that explains how to setup an exchange rate provider.  For the most part it is accurate.  I came across 2 compile errors that required minor changes along with a few of other changes needed to make it work with V2 of Oanda's API.  If you can get your 'ExchangeRateProviderOanda' class from the white paper, you should be able to follow my changes and make the provider work.
****Note: This is setup for a single currency exchange rate for a single day.  You can get averages over multiple days using the 'Candles' request instead of the 'Candle'

Line 2 Original Code:
Change To:
Create your own, unique GUID. You can do this in a Job in ax with the following code:
info(strFmt("%1", WinAPI::createGUID()));

Lines 21 & 22 Original Code:
Change To:
These will get us the right xml nodes for the 'Bid' exchange rate and the quote date.

Change To:
return 'YourNewlyCreatedGuid';
Copy your new GUID from above.

Line 5 Original Code:
configurationDefaults.addNameValueConfigurationPair(#ServiceURL, 'https://www.oanda.com/rates/api/v1/rates/%1.xml?quote=%2&start=%3&end=%4&fields=averages');
Change To:
configurationDefaults.addNameValueConfigurationPair(#ServiceURL, 'https://www.oanda.com/rates/api/v2/rates/candle.xml?base=%1&quote=%2&date_time=%3');
This is the V2 URL for the 'Candle' rate type.
Lines 41 & 42 Original Code:
fromDate = _exchangeRateRequest.parmFromDate();
compareResult = fromDate.CompareTo(_exchangeRateRequest.parmToDate());
Change To:
fromDate = _exchangeRateRequest.parmFromDate();
compareResult = fromDate.CompareTo(fromDate);
The 'CompareTo' method can't handle the 'Date' type in 'parmFromDate'. In essence, it was simply trying to compare the date to iteslf so I passed the 'fromDate' variable instead.

Line 61 Original Code:
oandaRequestString = strFmt(serviceUrl,currencyPairRequest.parmFromCurrency(), currencyPairRequest.parmToCurrency(), dateForRequest, dateForRequest);
Change To:
oandaRequestString = strFmt(serviceUrl, currencyPairRequest.parmFromCurrency(), currencyPairRequest.parmToCurrency(), dateForRequest);
This changes our 'oandaRequestString' to use the new url format and put the variables in the right spots.

Line 18 Original Code:
System.DateTime                     fromDate, fromUTCDate;
Change To:
 System.DateTime                     fromDate, fromUTCDate, toDateDateTime;
This is needed for our next fix.

Lines 118 & 119 Original Code:
fromDate = fromDate.AddDays(1);
compareResult = fromDate.CompareTo(_exchangeRateRequest.parmToDate());
Change To:
fromDate = fromDate.AddDays(1);
toDateDateTime = _exchangeRateRequest.parmToDate();

compareResult = fromDate.CompareTo(toDateDateTime);
Similar to the issue above. The 'CompareTo' can't handle the 'Date' type in 'parmToDate'. We created a new 'System.DateTime' variable called toDateDateTime and then set that variable to the 'parmToDate()'. We can then pass this variable to the 'CompareTo' method.

Line 71
//webCollection.Add(#HttpHeaderAuthorization, #KeyTokenPrefix + TODO: Retrieve and concatenate your Key provided by OANDA);
Change To:
webCollection.Add(#HttpHeaderAuthorization, #KeyTokenPrefix + 'YourApiKey');
Put your OANDA provided API key here.

Line 102 Original Code:
catch (Exception::CLRError)
Change To
catch (Exception::CLRError)
ex = CLRInterop::getLastException();
   if (ex != null)
         ex = ex.get_InnerException();
         if (ex != null)
              error(strFmt("From Currency:%1 - To Currency: %2 - Date: %3",      currencyPairRequest.parmFromCurrency(),
                            currencyPairRequest.parmToCurrency(), oandaRequestString));
I just put in some error handling so that if my batch job errors out, I will be able to see some details.

Once you do this, compile into CIL.  Then create your new provider through GL -> Setup -> Currency -> Configure exchange rate providers

Then run Gl -> Periodic -> Import currency exchange rates:

This will create exchange rates for Today for all currency pairs that you have in the system.
****Note: Daily exchange rates are posted at 0:00 UTC. For us in the US that means I can get the March 31 rate at 5:00 pm PT or 8:00 pm ET March 31. If you try and get a 'Candle' rate before then, your web api call will fail.

And that's it!  This could easily be setup as a batch job and wouldn't require further intervention. Not a hard way to get exchange rates automatically pulled in to AX.